The divine feminine release date
The divine feminine release date

History from this age has left us the myths of heroes and warriors: Moses, Hercules, Spartacus, Alexander the Great.

the divine feminine release date

Mythology became hero-centered – depicting the hero-warrior winning their way to glory. The general peacefulness seen in the Age of Taurus eventually came to an end – the Age of Aries is when the Iron Age with its weapons, warfare, and the great military cultures emerged. Humans improved farming which led to the development of cities and settled life.īull worship could be seen in many cultures during that time as well as the worship of nature spirits and fertility goddesses.


Money and wealth became the key drivers for growth during this age. The Age of Taurus is when money and banking were invented. It’s only with the Age of Gemini that humans began to perceive reality through duality – e.g the separation of subject and object/Gemini this is when individual consciousness was born. The story’s message is that with greater awareness (intellect/Gemini) comes choice and consequence.īefore the Age of Gemini – during the age of Cancer – human consciousness was tribal, not individualistic. Once Adam and Eve tasted the fruit from the “tree of knowledge” they ‘became aware’ that they were naked, and were thereafter driven out of Eden. The Garden of Eden is an Age of Gemini myth. The emergence of myths and stories about “Twins” (Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, or Enki and Enlil). The Age of Gemini is also when people began to move and trade both crafts and ideas between tribes and different cultures. Age of Gemini (6500 BC to 4000 BC)ĭuring this age, humans began to develop their intellect, as well as languages and written communication. Humans started agriculture and farming, which allowed them to build homes, ‘domesticate’, and settle down (home and family are Cancer symbols).Ĭancer is a water sign, and this age was brought in by the Great Floods, as depicted by multiple myths and stories for example the Noah’s Ark, or the Epic of Gilgamesh.

the divine feminine release date

This is when the matriarchal culture was at its peak. Figurines of voluptuous Mother Goddess from this period are found all over the world. The Age of Cancer was the age of the “ Great Mother” and goddess worship. Solar gods and deities were paid the highest respects during this Age cat worship (Lions in particular) also became prevalent. The cultures of the world during this time worshipped the Sun, the ruler of Leo. This is when the Ice Age ended and the climate began to warm up. The Age of Leo was thought to be the “Great Golden Age”. We only have historical records dating from the Age of Leo: Age of Leo (10,800 BC to 8,600 BC) Before the Age of Pisces, we had the age of Aries, and before that the Age of Taurus, we had the Age of Gemini, and so on. Let’s try to find the answers by looking at the previous Ages. What can we expect from the Age of Aquarius? Having liberated ourselves from the collective karma of humanity during the Age of Pisces, which is now coming to an end, we are gradually starting to transition into having more and more individual freedom (Aquarius). The Age of Aquarius’ ultimate goal is individual freedom and liberation. Technological advancements, science, and the internet are the trademarks of Aquarius – and they are all already here. We can already witness the Aquarian influences. And right now, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

the divine feminine release date

One thing we do know, however, is that it takes around 200-300 years to gradually transition from one age to another. Most claim that the Age of Aquarius arrived during the 20th century, while others claim it will arrive in the 24th century. There’s no firm consensus among astrologers as to when the Age of Aquarius will begin (or has already begun!). The much-anticipated Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” – 5th Dimension, 1969Įvery 2,150 years approximately we have a new Astrological Age.

The divine feminine release date